Searching for Book Lists by Guided Reading Level
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INTERNAL LINK Scholastic Book Wizard
Hello Parents and Students!
Scholastic Book Wizard is a wonderful resource to use to find suggested books for your child to read independently and to read to your child. Research suggests reading to your child at least one to two levels above their current grade level/guided reading level.
You can access Scholastic Book Wizard here: http://
Just remember to search according to Guided Reading Levels if you are looking for grade appropriate books for your child to read independently.
Please search for books using the Guided Reading Level tab. The books are leveled according to the list below:
Guided Reading Level and Corresponding Grade Levels A and B- Kindergarten
C to I- First Grade
J to M- Second Grade
N to P- Third Grade
Q to S- Fourth Grade
T to V- Fifth Grade
W to Y- Sixth Grade
Z- Seventh Grade