During reading I should
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During Reading Strategies |
There are many different strategies readers use prior to reading, as they read, and after they read. Listed below are a few strategies to practice and to help build better comprehension skills.
During reading I should: & Visualize what is happening in the book o Create pictures in my head about the setting (time and place of events in the story) and the characters. o Create pictures in my head about vocabulary words and predictions I have made before reading. & Ask myself questions as I read. o What do I know about the character(s) so far? o What do I want to know about the character(s)? o Where is the story taking place? o When is the story taking place? o What has happened so far in the story? o Are there any words I don’t know that I need to look up in the dictionary or thesaurus? & Make inferences o “Read between the lines” o Make generalizations about what is happening in the story, or what has happened in the story. o Draw conclusions about a character in the story using clues supplied by the author.