After reading I should
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After Reading Strategies |
There are many different strategies readers use prior to reading, as they read, and after they read. Listed below are a few strategies to practice and to help build better comprehension skills.
After reading I should: & Summarize what I just read after a paragraph, few pages, or a chapter. & Ask myself and answer, o “What did I learn about the topic or character(s) in the story?” o “Were my predictions correct?” o “What connections did I make to the story? To another story or text? To the world?” & Reread the story for clarification & Reflect on what you just read; “What did I read about?” & Create more questions about the book or characters & Make more predictions about the topic, a character, or for the next chapter in a chapter book. & Share the story with an adult, a friend, or a teacher. The before, during, and after reading strategies listed above are just a sample of strategies that good readers use. Please help your son or daughter practice using these strategies when reading aloud; model these strategies during your own personal reading and as you observe your child reading.