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Support - Reading Mrs Gittelman

Literacy Specialist - Mrs. Gittelman

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Welcome to Literacy!     A child's success as a reader begins much earlier than the first day of school.  
The love of reading begins at home!      Fall in love with a book you read together as a family or reread one of your childhood favorites to your child(ren).   Favorite Books The resources listed on my web page include fun and interactive ways to incorporate reading at home.

Fun Family Literacy Suggestions:

Visit the local library

If your child doesn’t have his/her own card yet, sign up at one of the public libraries. Look through the different sections together, and see where your child is most likely to find his/her favorite books. You can access all Bucks County Free Public Libraries here: Bucks County Free Library

Visit your local bookstore

Check the schedule. Often times, there are author visits, story times, story telling, and other fun activities taking place there. Start reading a series together. It’s a fun way to explore new characters and enjoy adventures together. Embark on your reading journey at the Newtown Bookshop store or website: Newtown Bookshop

Reading Rockets

A wealth of reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and improve their reading skills are provided by this site. These resources assist parents and teachers help readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills:

Family Reading Night

Host a Family Reading Night! You can read stories together, play games, or cozy up together while reading. Many ideas and activities can be found at these links: 
The Simple Parent    Growing Book by Book

Teachers and Families Reading Lists

Tips to help parents encourage their children to read are provided and you can also find links to book lists organized by grade levels: TogetheRead

Scholastic- Parents

The Scholastic parent site offers the following: articles on books and reading, what to expect by age and grade, books for parents, and a link to Parent & Child magazine: 

Access Journeys Electronic Resources

Your child has access to listen to or read stories from their Journeys student book edition. You could listen to and read these stories together, as well as discuss characters, setting (time and place), problems, events, solutions, and themes. Please click on the Journeys Reading Program tab, and "Student Login Information" to find out more.