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Support Services for Covid-19

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Mental Health Supports

District Website Resources

Feeling anxious? Need to talk with someone? Contact the Bucks County COVID-19 Helpline 215.399.5681 – Mon-Fri 8:30a-4:30

If you’re finding it hard to fall or stay asleep with all the talk about COVID-19 in the news, RESTORE®, one of Magellan Healthcare’s educational digital cognitive behavioral therapy programs, is a private, confidential online program that may help individuals who are experiencing insomnia and other sleep difficulties. Available anytime, anywhere at no cost to U.S. residents, the short, easy sessions teach skills, techniques and practices to help improve your sleep and sleep quality:

Acknowledging some level of concern, without panicking, is appropriate and has resulted in NAMI Bucks County PA making the decision to move all support groups to a virtual model to reduce the risk of illness. This move takes effect immediately. These groups are offered free of charge, as are all NAMI Programs:

If you are a parent or caregiver and feeling unsure about what to share, how much to say, and ways to navigate COVID-19 when so much is uncertain, you’re not alone. Families the world over are with you on this one. Here are some tips to get you through

Talking to Children about COVID-19

National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Children About Coronavirus

American Academy of Pediatrics: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

World Health Organization - Coronavirus Video