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Distance Learning

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Welcome RES and HES Families!  

happy kids


I am so excited to be able to reconnect with my amazing students at HES and RES! I understand this time is full of uncertainty and a lot of “newness.” We are in this together.   My goal is to continue to be a support and resource for my students and their families. Activities, materials and support can be provided to address students’ social-emotional and other needs or personal goals, for use at home.


I am available to talk with you via e-mail or phone call should you have a question or concern. Please know that I miss the kids so much and have been thinking about them daily.  


Take everything one step at a time, and if anything feels like it is too much, take a break! You can do this with movement, something funny, something creative, or just with silence and deep breaths. We are all in the same boat and we can totally do this!

Please see below for links to virtual calming corner, weekly calendars of wellness activities and other resources!


 Mrs. O'Neill

Long time no see

Serenity Spot @ Home! Click here for activities that promote wellness (Be sure to click "present" to be able to access links.)

Ways to handle Covid-19 stress and anxiety

Strategies to Help Your Elementary Aged Child Navigate A School Day At Home

Family Time Capsule

K-3 Computer Safety

4th-6th Digital Citizenship

Covid-19 Social Story

Coloring for Relaxation: click "more" for categories

10 "Unplug" Strategies

Gratitude Jar Activity

Week #1 Activity Calendar: March 30th

Week #2 Activity Calendar: April 13th

Week #3 Activity Calendar: April 20th

Week #4 Activity Calendar: April 27th

Week #5 Activity Calendar: May 4th-8th

Week #6 Activity Calendar: May 11th-15th

Week #7 Activity Calendar: May 18th-22nd

Week #8 Activities for Fun and Learning May 25th-29th

Week #9 Activities for Fun and Learning: June 1st-5th

Week #10 Activities for Fun and Learning: June 8th-12th

Please e-mail at any time and I will respond ASAP: