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Summer Food Service Info
Are you a parent or guardian looking for Summer Food Service Program sites near you? Find a summer site in your community with our Summer Meal Site Finder mapping tool. You can also text “Summer Meals” to 914-342-7744 or call 1-866-348-6479 to find a site near you.
Please call ahead to confirm the dates and times of operation.
The Wrightstown Food Cupboard215-598-3661 *Contact Mitch or Nancy McIntire to schedule an appointment
Penns Park United Methodist Church 2394 Second Street Pike Penns Park PA 18943Bucks County Housing Group Food Pantries215-750-4344 x104
Penndel Pantry 349 Durham Road Langhorne PA 19047Bucks County Housing Group Food Pantries215-345-4311 x101
Doylestown Pantry 470 Old Dublin Pike Doylestown PA 18901Jesus Focus Ministry Food Pantry at Bethanna215-953-2000
1030 2nd Street Pike Southampton, PA 18966