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Green Ideas from the Green Club

·      Clean a park

·      Plant a tree

·      Adopt a highway

·      Plant a garden

·      Rake leaves

·      Sweep a sidewalk

·      Organize a community clean up.

·     Mow a lawn with a manual mower (w/adult supervision).

·      Gather fallen leaves/branches for yard waste pick-up.

·      Adopt an endangered animal.

  • Brainstorm what single-use plastics you can avoid. 
       Pick up a piece of trash every time you take a walk :) 
  • Refuse plastic straws whenever buying drinks as they are unnecessary and can harm marine life.
  • Use canvas or reusable bags instead of paper or plastic.
  • Share your great, green ideas with a younger sibling/student.
  • Make a poster with an eco-friendly slogan we can post up at our school.
    Use both sides of every piece of paper.

    Tell us your favorite green activity...
    Please send to Ms. Wolverton at